McLellan as Thrashers Coach?
Thrashers Prospect Annex has a post up about Red Wings Assistant Todd McLellan as a possible Thrashers head coach. The links in that post provide more information about McLellan's background.
Honestly, I don't know much about him, other than the fact that as a head coach in the AHL he made the playoffs for five straight seasons and won a championship.
The website adds had a brief comment entitled "Thrashers in pursuit of McLellan?" and they say that "The Atlanta Thrashers are reportedly very interested in talking to McLellan about their opening."
Hmm, stayed tuned Thrasher fans our off season seems to be heating up.
Honestly, I don't know much about him, other than the fact that as a head coach in the AHL he made the playoffs for five straight seasons and won a championship.
The website adds had a brief comment entitled "Thrashers in pursuit of McLellan?" and they say that "The Atlanta Thrashers are reportedly very interested in talking to McLellan about their opening."
Hmm, stayed tuned Thrasher fans our off season seems to be heating up.
Who else do you think the Thrashers would look at as a head coach? What about Anderson from the Chicago Wolves or Deboer (from Spokane?-not sure what team he is from now, but I read that DeBoer is on some lists for consideration for a coaching job)? I also saw how Ottawa is going after Hartley, and about 3 or 4 other coaches. One of the names mentioned was Pat Burns. I know that the Thrashers would not ask Hartley back, but Pat Burns or some of the other coaches Ottawa is considering may not be some bad candidates for us. The difference being not the money, but the philosophies of the two clubs. Both clubs want to win, but how they operate to get there may be different. Then there is the difference between the Senators who have a longer history and a Canadian team vs. Atlanta, who has been around 9 seasons and is not Canadian. That may be the biggest difference. But maybe if they give the coach more of a role to reshape how things are done like Washington did this year, and Detroit has been doing, maybe a really good coach would come here. Not sure, but this is all speculative. What are your thoughts, Falconer?
Anonymous, at 7:06 AM
As far as Tortorella, not sure. He did get Tampa Bay to winning the Stanley Cup, but what has happened since that year? Is it frustration from the quality of play of the players? Management decisions? I wonder too if he would be a good fit for us.
I know that he is happy as an ESPN analyst, but what about Barry Melrose? He has stated that he is not opposed to coaching again. What would it take to land him as a coach? And would he be a good enough coach to get the Thrashers well into the playoff or in contention for the Stanley Cup? I think that he is not going to take just any coaching job, but I am sure it would have to be either the right team, the right amount of money, and/or the right chemistry. What are your thoughts, Falconer?
Anonymous, at 7:48 AM
Thanks for the positive comments on the blog. I've been fairly busy trying to finish up a big research project and have spend very little time blogging. Plus, I was pretty discouraged at the end of the last season. I'm looking forward to the draft and free agency to see what will happen.
The Falconer, at 6:19 PM
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