This Blog Has Moved!!!

After two very successful years at Blogger, Thrashers Talons has moved to a new location at Sports Blog Nation (aka SB Nation). As part of the move I am unveiling a new blog name as well. Henceforth it will be know as "Bird Watcher's Anonymous" which will continue the Brown Thrasher/Falconer theme begun here.
The content at the new site will be very similar to what I have created here at blogger, but the new setting will enable me to insert tables and other items with greater ease. In addition, my Thrashers blog will be nestled among other blogs covering every pro sports team. SB Nation is in the process of building their stable of NHL bloggers and I'm honored that they invited me to write about our local team.
Before departing I must thank all of the many readers who have visited this site over the last two years. I started writing this because I was frustrated by the lack of reading material about the Atlanta Thrashers. The old adage is "write the book you'd like to read" and that is what I have tried to do here.
To be honest I wasn't sure what to expect in terms of readership. In 2006 I had just over 6,000 readers (over 5,000 unique). The following year readership exploded upward to 41,000 hits (32,000 unique) and then it doubled once again in 2008 to 81,000 hits (64,000 unique). It was rather amazing to see Thrashers Talons break the 100,000 hit mark recently.
There have been numerous occasions when I have been very depressed about the state of the Atlanta Thrashers and felt little inspiration to post. But I knew that each day readers would be clicking over to this page to read something and that kept me posting on the really rough times. So thanks for coming back and please make head over to SB Nation to check out the new digs! :)